30 December 2008

The Hard Way

After a long day when my patience is worn out, the last thing I need is a couple of disobedient kids around bedtime. When my blood pressure is off the charts and they won't cooperate I usually end up giving them an ultimatum - do you want to do this the "easy way" or the "hard way"? Brushing teeth, flossing, taking a bath, putting on pajamas, whatever...the "hard way" ends up being unpleasant for all parties concerned, but sometimes it is the only way to get the little blighters into bed.

So last night my little princess gets out of the tub and stares defiantly at me and says "do it the hard way, do it the hard way". "What? I say. "Do it the hard way!" she says with her teeth clenched. Then a huge smile came across her face and she ran away laughing hysterically.

So much for the hard way. Even that has become a game!

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