30 December 2009

Happy Birthday Nana

So my Mom is getting super old...she just turned, like, 101 or something on December 29.

We tried to call on her birthday but she was out. So I decided to get the kids to sing Happy Birthday to her on video. What a mistake!!! Brooklyn is sick and Justin is 7 going on 17 with all his bloody attitude. So recording a simple Happy Birthday song devolved into slamming of doors, tears, banishment from Wii, etc.

Here are a few of the many outtakes. Sheesh. Happy Birthday, Mom!


  1. So that makes you... 80?!

  2. So who are the new relatives singing Happy
    Birthday Nana?????? At least they know how
    to sing, and on key at that!!!!!

  3. Your video was very well done. I bet you can't
    get them to do that again!! Justin and Brooklyn
    are growing up fast. Keep doing videos.

